2016 Chevrolet Camaro First Drive - Hostile and Hospitable

No good deed goes unpunished.

When Chevrolet announced its fifth-generation Camaro in 2008 after a long hiatus, many hailed (including yours truly) its avant-garde style and sleeker sheet metal. A starring role and skyrocketing sales couldn’t dim its usual criticism shortly thereafter. Fully four years into that model, good feelings waned; its overweight chassis and zest for precious, expensive gasoline overshadowed most of its good attributes.

Even our sixth-generation tester — which we picked up in Bozeman, Montana on a dreary November morning in between snowstorms and set under overcast skies — didn’t entirely impress.

The lipstick red V-8 clad SS — shod with snow rubber and little else to handle an unforgiving Western Montana winter climate — seemed overmatched with the task of climbing Lookout Pass and into Eastern Washington and beyond. A rear-wheel drive sports car could find friendlier confines than the Montana plains and mountains in winter’s first offensive.

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While You Were Gorging: A Compendium of Thanksgiving News You May Have Missed

While the rest of the world warms up to our Thanksgiving tradition of football and mountains of potatoes and gravy, we must admit that the world goes on without us some days.

Thankfully, the Internet never forgets. So here’s a roundup of the stories we missed in our Tryptophan-induced naps.

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Piston Slap: The E-Z Out for My BMW, Minivan

TTAC regular psarhjinian writes:

I just bought a E46 3-Series that needs some care (hey, it was cheap!) and snapped off both bolts holding the alternator to (I think) the oil filter housing. I’ve gotten the alernator off, but the last inch-or-so of the threaded section of one bolt is broken off. Thank you, BMW for using steel bolts in an aluminum block.

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Exotic Cars and Montana Plates

I have a mild obsession with license plates. Which is to say that I often pay extra for those special plates that I think look cool, but no one else ever notices. I also know a lot of weird license plate-related facts. Like, for example: did you know the last number in a Massachusetts plate corresponds to the month it expires? I proudly trot out that one every time I see a Masshole on the road. Surprisingly, my passengers never seem quite as intrigued as I am.

Occasionally, there are benefits to my license plate obsession. For example, I can always spot cars owned by annoying acquaintances in restaurant parking lots, which spares me from actually having to speak to them. And I have the immense honor of being the go-to person whenever my friends have a registration-related query.

One of the questions I get most commonly is: why do so many expensive cars have Montana license plates? And so, I will now answer that, virtually assuring that TTAC will lose the wealthy exotic car owner and Montana attorney readership, but perhaps gain a following among county tax commissioners.

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GM Do Brasil's New Mini Truck. Big Change, No Gain. Why Is GM So Shy?

Chevrolet just revealed its latest offering. It’s the all new Chevrolet Montana. It has changed a lot. The last Montana had as its underpinnings the Corsa II platform. Now, it will use the new Onyx platform, which is based on the Corsa I platform (according to Brazilian car mag Auto Esporte’s ). Two steps forward, one step back? Maybe that’s why GM is being coy (or realistic) and is estimating that this trucklet will increase its sales by just 15 percent. This won’t do it a whole lot of good, because this means it’ll just hang on to third place (according to the print version of the Brazilian newspaper Estado de Minas car supplement) .

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  • ToolGuy Please allow me to listen to the podcast before commenting. (This is the way my mind works, please forgive me.)
  • ToolGuy My ancient sedan (19 years lol) matches the turbo Mazda 0-60 (on paper) while delivering better highway fuel economy, so let's just say I don't see a compelling reason to 'upgrade' and by the way HOW HAVE ICE POWERTRAIN ENGINEERS BEEN SPENDING THEIR TIME never mind I think I know. 😉
  • FreedMike This was the Official Affluent-Mom Character Mobile in just about every TV show and movie in the Aughts.
  • Offbeat Oddity The RAV4, and I say this as someone who currently owns a 2014 CR-V. My aunt has a 2018 CR-V that has had a lot of electrical issues, and I don't trust the turbo and CVT to last as long as Toyota's NA engine and 8-speed automatic. Plus, the RAV4 looks sportier and doesn't have the huge front overhang.
  • Offbeat Oddity I'd go with Mazda, especially now that there's no more cylinder deactivation on the 2024 NA motor. It's around $4-5k less than the Toyota with similar equipment, and I think reliability is probably very close between them.Regarding reliability, hasn't this generation of RAV4 taken a hit? I know it's not rated as highly in Consumer Reports, and there were teething issues during the first few years. I'm surprised it's not mentioned in more reviews- even Jack Baruth's. I'm sure the bugs have been worked out by now, though.