Senator Rockefeller Proposes Legislation To Strengthen NHTSA

Outgoing chair of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia (pictured at right) has proposed legislation that would authorize increased funding and authority to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to deal with safety defects in vehicles.

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Sen. Rockefeller Threatens Federal Regulations On In-Car Smartphone Use

Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat from West Virginia, told officials of companies including General Motors, Toyota Motor Corp., Google Inc., Samsung Electronics Co., AT&T Inc. and Apple Inc. to move faster on implementing standards to reduce driver distractions caused infotainment systems, or he will introduce legislation to regulate Internet connectivity for in-car use.

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  • Redapple2 I ve slept on it. I would take one on a 3 yr lease for $199/mo- ($1000 down total). Evil gm Vampire gave me this deal in 2012.
  • 3SpeedAutomatic Would prefer a non-turbo with a stick shift. That would be more fun to drive!!🚗🚗🚗Also, I could teach my nieces and nephews to drive a standard. You'd be surprised how many folks can't handle a stick shift today. Yet, in Europe, most rental cars come with a stick unless you specify otherwise.
  • Jeffrey Henry Ford said about innovation, “ If I had asked my customers what they wanted, then they would have said a faster horse." Change is inevitable!!!,create%20and%20enforce%20such%20policies.
  • ToolGuy If these guys opened a hotel outside Cincinnati I would go there to sleep, and to dream.
  • ToolGuy Michelin's price increases mean that my relationship with them as a customer is not sustainable. 🙁