Honda On Direct Injection: Don't Wait For It; We Have Other Priorities

Last week, in our post on Hyundai’s new DI (Direct Injection) Theta II engine, we questioned Honda’s long-standing engine technology leadership. We also assumed (wrongly) that they would be joining the DI club shortly, given the advantages DI technology affords. Turns out we weren’t the only ones wondering, except that in the case of auto, motor und sport, they weren’t asking it rhetorically, but the person in the know: Honda CEO Takanobu Ito. In an interview with Europe’s leading car magazine (print edition), Ito gave DI a pass with his answer to the question: “Honda was once the leader with its internal combustion engines. Did your competitors overtake you with gasoline Direct Injection?”

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Hyundai The New Honda In Engine Design Leadership

Honda has always been proud of the word “Motor” in its name. It’s the world’s largest producer of internal combustion engines (all those lawnmowers), and has a long history of engine technology leadership. From the CVCC to VTEC and the recent i-VTEC, Honda was a consistent leader, especially in high-efficiency and high-output four cylinder engines. No more. The Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) revolution is on in full force, and most major manufacturers have released or announced state-of-the-art DI engine programs. And none more convincingly than Hyundai, with its new 200 hp 2.4 liter Theta II GDI. Where’s Honda’s? While we’re waiting, let’s take a closer look at Hyundai’s:

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  • VoGhost Oh, Mattie, I am BEGGING you to take a course in economics. There's probably a community college near you offering courses for free or very cheap. Seriously, people this ignorant of basic economics really should not be writing this drivel. Stick to what you know: pimping for big oil.
  • Spectator This was an amazing vehicle. Back then Acura knew how to make a plush and comfy seat!
  • Syke F1 fan and normally watch every race, although most of them are DVR'd. I've got my Xfinity box set up to record everything automatically. This past Sunday I watched the race live for a change.
  • Jalop1991 There is no inflation. Everything is cheaper than it was 5 years ago. SHRIMP AND GRITS!
  • ChristianWimmer Exterior and interior look pretty flawless for such a high mileage car. To me this is an indication that it was well-maintained and driven responsibly. It’s not my cup of tea but it’s bound to find an enthusiastic owner out there.And with ANY car, always budget for maintenance.