'I Won': Man Becomes Woman to Score Cheaper Chevy Cruze Insurance Policy

Why didn’t I think of this? An Alberta man with a spotty driving record and a burning lust for the Chevrolet Cruze discovered you can save piles of cash if the government thinks you’re a woman. Or at least an individual who identifies as one.

Speaking anonymously to CBC, the man said his transition to a female (on paper) began after he approached insurance companies in search of coverage for his new — and quite sensible — compact sedan. Well, we assume it was the sedan.

What followed was a journey through genders, all to save 91 bucks a month.

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Tempting Fate, Hyundai Releases Study Showing Women Are Angrier Drivers

Duck. And. Cover.

In these politically correct times, where microaggressions and mansplaining — perhaps even manspreading — can ruin a career faster than you can say “culturally appropriated Halloween costume,” Hyundai has done the unthinkable. The automaker conducted a study to find out which gender fares better when it comes to anger behind the wheel, and the fairer sex lost.

Divisive? Perhaps, but the study also reveals the many things that unite us all.

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Is VW's Target Audience Beta Males or Alpha Females?

Considering that it seems as though every other commercial on television follows the doofus male wise female plot, the new VW Passat commercial released just in time for the run up to the Super Bowl is hardly the most egregiously misandrist (yes, Virginia, despite what your spellchecker says, it is a word). With a tagline of “Pass down something he will be grateful for”, the ad shows a father in a shirt and tie teaching his son how to throw a baseball, in front of a Passat sitting in their driveway. Completely clueless about the mechanics of throwing overhand, but convinced of his knowledge of the subject, dad has form that makes “throwing like a girl” a compliment by comparison. He looks like a cross between someone putting shot and a gooney bird trying to land. The son dutifully imitates dad’s form, but with a skeptical look on his face. Neither can get the ball anywhere near the target. I’m not sure the ad is on target either.

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  • Wjtinfwb My local Ford dealer would be better served if the entire facility was AI. At least AI won't be openly hostile and confrontational to your basic requests when making or servicing you 50k plus investment and maybe would return a phone call or two.
  • Ras815 Tesla is going to make for one of those fantastic corporate case studies someday. They had it all, and all it took was an increasingly erratic CEO empowered to make a few terrible, unchallenged ideas to wreck it.
  • Dave Holzman Golden2husky remember you from well over decade ago in these comments. If I wanted to have a screen name that reflected my canine companionship, I'd be BorderCollie as of about five years go. Life is definitely better with dogs.
  • Dave Holzman You're right about that!
  • EBFlex It will have exactly zero effect