Capsule Review: 2015 Fiat Uno (Brazil Domestic Market)

Launched at a time when the new car market in Brazil is relatively stagnant, the new Fiat Novo Uno is causing less of a stir compared to when the round square themed Uno was launched four years ago. There are no lines at dealers and people’s attentions are divided among upstart competitors like the Ford Ka and Volkswagen up! The Uno had to come hard in order to remain a relevant player, capable of attracting the new Brazilian consumer that demands more in terms of comfort, finishing, content and safety.

Can this Uno face off the competition and remain among the top sellers in Brazil?

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Dispatches Do Brasil: Grazie Mille, Fiat's Old Uno is Dead, Long Live the Uno!

Another victim of government meddling in Brazil’s auto market is dead. Fiat’s venerable old Uno, redubbed the Mille a while ago, will not receive airbags and ABS, as per a newly mandated law, and thus will go into history’s dustbin alongside VW’s Kombi. As a farewell, Fiat has unleashed into the Brazilian market its own last edition, the Grazie Mille (“Thanks a Thousand” a clever pun on the car’s official name, Mille, though the market still calls it Uno). It can be had for slightly over $13,000, and it’s the most well equipped Uno Mille of recent times. A nod back to when this car had the panache to dispute middle class families’ hearts.

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New Fiat Uno Unveiled

Fiat has released photos of its new super-mini Uno, which will initially be produced in Brazil, and may, or may not, eventually be sold in Europe as well. The emphasis is on room and a “crossover look”, not unlike Toyota’s Urban Cruiser (Scion xD). It certainly isn’t on the handsome good looks Fiats were once known for. Times change.

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  • Mike Beranek I would imagine that a Tesla high-rise condo building would spy on you, lock you inside during software updates, and drop panes of glass when the wind exceeds 4 mph.
  • Theflyersfan It isn't just GM (Looking at Ford and Nissan as well) but will always question the wisdom of putting 1.0 to 2.0L high pressure turbos into a vehicle that can exceed 2 tons when loaded with American-sized Americans and the cargo one hauls around. I know the automakers don't care - the warranty has long ended by the time the turbo goes Chernobyl, but doesn't look good for loyalty if engines keep frying.
  • Dartdude The global climate scam is a money and power grab. If you follow the money it will lead you to Demo contributors or global elitists. The government needs to go back to their original purpose and get out of the public sector.
  • FreedMike Miami is a trip - it's probably the closest thing we have to Dubai in this country. If you are into Lambos and the like, definitely go - you'll see a show every night. These condos fit right in with the luxury-brand culture - I'm surprised there isn't a Louis Vuitton or Gucci building. I was in Miami Beach in January with my fiancee, and we shared a lovely lunch that consisted of three street tacos each, chips and salsa, and two sodas. Tab: $70.00, with tip. Great town, assuming you can afford to live there.
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh Pay money to be inundated in Adverts for a car that breaks when you sneeze? no