Fifth Grader Gives Elon Musk Advice, Promotes Dad's Autojourno Career

Perhaps you’ve noticed, by its absence, that there isn’t any advertising for Tesla products. Elon Musk is pretty good at generating buzz without having to pay for it. For example, a number of media organizations recently ran the news that Musk took the advice given to him by a fifth-grade girl — via her dad’s Twitter account — on how to publicize his electric cars.

Bria Loveday had a school assignment involving writing and mailing a letter to a noted person and, the way the story goes, she chose Musk. In her letter she noted that while Tesla doesn’t advertise, a number of Tesla enthusiasts have produced their own entertaining commercials for the EV maker, and Bria suggested that Tesla hold a contest for the best one. The winner would get his or her ad aired and then receive some kind of prize like a free year’s worth of supercharging at a Tesla station.

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The Value Of A Father's Love

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I am sure the diagnosis came as a shock. It was cancer and the prognosis was not good. The man must have looked at what he had made of his life, weighed the good and the bad against one another, and realized that his 13 year old son was his crowning achievement. He was a good kid, honest, innocent and open to the experiences of the world, but not without that streak of mischievousness that all boys his age had. He would, in time, become a fine man but there remained a long road to manhood. A road he would soon have to walk alone.

The man knew he would miss so many important moments in the boy’s life, the baseball games, high school, his first date, his graduation, college and career. He would never meet the boy’s wife or be there to see him hold his children. Still, there was one thing he could do, never mind the fact that there were years left to go before the boy could get his driver’s license, a rite of passage that had bound father and son together for decades. He could buy the boy his first car and then pass on in the knowledge that he had been able to help his son reach at least one of life’s great milestones.

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  • Funky D There are WAY too many of what my youngest son calls grayscale (white, black, silver, gray) out there.I will pick literally ANY color (including that baby puke yellow found on new Chevy crossovers) over a grayscale color. But if every car I had was arrest-me red, I'd be find with that.What happened to the 60s~80s when you could choose from a pretty rich color palate when placing your new car order?
  • Tassos Jeep again proving they stand behind freedom. The freedom to choose the fuel you use. I’ll take one in ”Right to express myself freely” pink.
  • Jeff Good move on Cadillac's part. Not everyone is ready for an EV it will take more time to expand the charging infrastructure and more affordable EVs.
  • 3-On-The-Tree I was never a fan of the newer dodge products but it’s still a shame that all the OEM’s are moving away from V8’s to turbo V6 and V4’s all in the name of emissions and better mpg.
  • FreedMike I like the idea of EVs, but the idea that they're going to achieve 100% market penetration was a fantasy to begin with. Also worth noting; Cadillac is on track to sell well over 20,000 Lyriqs this year. Not too shabby.