Uber, Other Rideshare Services Caught In Regulatory Backup

Ridesharing services such as Uber, Lyft and Sidecar have gained traction among those who prefer using their smartphones to hail a ride to the airport over traditional black car or taxi service. However, in locales such as Detroit, Atlanta and Seattle, such services are rolling up upon a regulatory traffic jam over how best to handle the disruption in the livery industry.

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Honda, Nissan, Toyota Set Production Record Against Weakening Yen

As the yen weakened against the dollar for a second consecutive year, Honda, Nissan and Toyota all set production records in their North American plants in 2013, according to Automotive News.

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  • Mgh57 Doesn't seem like this tech is ready for prime time.
  • Nathan The Ram is the most boring looking of the full size trucks, kind of like a Tundra.If they cancel the Ram Classic, I hope a full resign makes the Ram at least look interesting.
  • DJB1 I'll be all for it when it has a proven safety record. I have an awesome life and a lot to live for, so right now I'm not putting that in the hands of overconfident tech-bros.
  • Mgh57 I had to read the article because I had had no idea what the headline meant. I've never seen this in the Northeast. Don't understand the point. Doesn't seen efficient aerodynamically
  • MaintenanceCosts Depends on the record of the company developing them. If it’s got a record of prioritizing safety over years of development, I’ll be fine with it, and I’ll expect it to be less risky than typical idiot human drivers. If it’s a “move fast and break sh!t” outfit like Tesla or Uber, no way.