VW Plans Mass Culling of Combustion Cars, Loftier Margins

Practically every automaker on the planet has begun signaling a desire to change with the times by collectively revising their business strategies. The new hotness involves lower volumes, higher margins, and electric vehicles with the ability to push connected services allowing manufacturers to charge you piecemeal for just about every feature imaginable.

While Volkswagen Group has been at the forefront of those trends since the 2015 Dieselgate scandal helped force its hand, it often suggested that the shift to EVs would be a boon to low-income families. It was hardly the only automaker to make such promises, nor has it been the first to break them after deciding that perhaps there’s more money to be made with premium vehicles. VW has decided that its ideal strategy involves culling internal combustion vehicles by 60 percent over the next eight years and focusing on higher-margin products yielding superior profitability.

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  • Dave Holzman You're right about that!
  • EBFlex It will have exactly zero effect
  • THX1136 What happened to the other companies that were going to build charging stations? Maybe I'm not remembering clearly OR maybe the money the government gave them hasn't been applied to building some at this point. Sincere question/no snark.
  • VoGhost ChatGPT, Review the following article from Automotive News: and create an 800 word essay summarizing the content. Then re-write the essay from the perspective of an ExxonMobil public relations executive looking to encourage the use of petroleum. Ensure the essay has biases that reinforce the views of my audience of elderly white Trump-loving Americans with minimal education. Then write a headline for the essay that will anger this audience and encourage them to read the article and add their own thoughts in the comments. Then use the publish routine to publish the essay under “news blog” using Matt Posky listing the author to completely subvert the purpose of The Truth About Cars.
  • VoGhost Your source is a Posky editorial? Yikes.