My Christmas List Of Oddballs And Improbabilites

Speaking personally, this has been a pretty good Christmas for me, chock-full of unusual and thoughtful gifts as well as some pleasant times with my son. But I’d been kind of hoping against hope that some automaker out there would give me something special for the day — even though I never asked specifically for any of them. Well, that’s what happens when you’re passive-aggressive about stuff, I suppose.

So here’s my list. All of these cars would be possible, if not easy, to build using existing structures and resources. In a few cases, I suppose a little slack would be required from the United States Government. They’re ranked in approximate order from “why not?” to “”. Without further ado:

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Curbside Classic Outtake: Dear Santa…

May all your Christmas, Holiday and New Year’s wishes come true. For mine to come true, Santa, this Pantera is going to need a little home-country friend to keep it company, like the one after the jump:

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  • Doc423 Rolling Coal is not a bad thing either.
  • Ajla In high school I really wanted a yellow GTO.
  • Lou_BC Sweet car.
  • FreedMike With 157K miles, that's basically a beater that looks good. Plus, I heard Honda CVTs turn dicey with age. I'm a "no" at $12,500, but someone's heart will go all aflutter over the J-vin (Ohio-vin?) and pay up. With a manual in the same shape, I'd be in for a LOT less.
  • EBFlex More proof the EV world is crumbling. In a market with supposedly “insatiable demand”, these kinds of things don’t happen. Nor do layoffs.