If You See Something, Say Some… No, Wait, It Would Be Best To Keep Quiet

Have you ever seen a bus run a red light and endanger your fellow pedestrians? Did you think that it might be a good idea to record that action on your smartphone so you could alert the bus company?

Did you ever consider that the bus driver would stop the bus, get out, and choke you?

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  • Lou_BC This is the sort of thing that lands 15 billion dollar Honda investments in Canada. One political party tries to undo everything the other one has done.
  • Ajla "Mr Musk needs to go" "should not be CEO anymore."It isn't exactly easy getting rid of someone that owns 20.5% of the company (likely 25% by year's end), is one of the wealthiest people on Earth and has a giant media presence. Elon's only stepping down if he or God makes the decision.
  • Lou_BC I like the colour. That's about it.
  • Lou_BC I'd say Mr. Musk needs to lay off the ketamine.
  • Lua65789308 Laundering Federal money can make anyone very wealthy.