GM to Throttle Back Production, Idle Plants as Car Glut Grows

(Update: This story has been updated to reflect new information.)

Not since the dark days of the recession has General Motors had so many vehicles clogging its inventory.

Bursting at the seams with unsold cars (but not trucks or SUVs), the automaker will temporarily turn out the lights at five assembly plants and kill off three shifts in order to bring things back into balance. For thousands of workers, that means the kind of extended Christmas holiday you don’t want.

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  • Lorenzo TikTok won't sway young people, but low prices will. There will need to be a parts and service network in place to go along with it, and of course, the vehicles must be able to survive typical American neglect of maintenance. Miss on those, and Chinese brands can follow Renault and Peugeot out the door.
  • Tassos Enough with this nonsense technology. It is my right to rear end the car in front of me while i drive around in my e-class (diesel, rebuilt) looking for the Hot Women In My Area. My phone keeps prompting me that they are ready to meet me.
  • 28-Cars-Later 33% is still unrealistic, though hybridization of the bread and butter models is in my view (though not sure how well that will go over with the professional use pickup crowd, they already spend a kachillion for conventional technology to subsidize the losses of everything else).
  • MaintenanceCosts When these proposed regs came out it was quickly determined that the industry could satisfy them with a mix of fewer than 1/3 BEVs if nearly all ICE vehicles were hybridized. With that in mind, I think this lawsuit is mostly "FJB" political theater by Republican AGs trying to make sure that they don't get primaried by far-right party bases.
  • Lou_BC An I thought the President had absolute immunity;)