One Man's Love For His Mother, The Car

Long before Knight Rider’s KITT, back in the mid 1960s there was a television show about a car that talked. I’m not sure just how they pitched the idea to the network, my guess is that it had something to do with the popularity of the Mister Ed show. If a horse could talk, why not a car? Anyhow, the 1965 show was called My Mother The Car and it’s generally acknowledged to be one of the worst tv sitcoms ever. Some feel it may even be the worst television show, comedy or drama, ever, though it managed to last a full season, 30 episodes. The show starred Jerry Van Dyke whose character discovers, while shopping for a used car, that his late mother, played by Ann Sothern’s voice over the car radio, has been reincarnated as a 1928 Porter. Don’t bother doing a search, there was no 1928 Porter, unlike Jack Benny’s Maxwell. Though there has been a couple of car companies named Porter, Mother, the car, was fictional, created just for the tv show, said to be named after the show’s production manager.

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  • MaintenanceCosts Depends on the record of the company developing them. If it’s got a record of prioritizing safety over years of development, I’ll be fine with it, and I’ll expect it to be less risky than typical idiot human drivers. If it’s a “move fast and break sh!t” outfit like Tesla or Uber, no way.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X No thanks. You'll never convince me that anybody needs this.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X I'd rather do the driving.
  • SCE to AUX EVs are a financial gamble for any mfr, but half-hearted commitment will guarantee losses.BTW, if there were actual, imminent government EV mandates, no mfr could make a statement about "listening to their customers".
  • Zachary How much is the 1984 oldmobile (281)8613817