Review: 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage ES
Press Cars: just a Mirage? (all photos courtesy Sajeev Mehta)Mitsubishi’s website claims the Mirage is a “small car for a big life.” Possible: while I haven’t done a TTAC review in over a year, know that even the rare automotive sampling of a ball of flaming garbage in a catapult possesses a modicum of engineering /styling/marketing prowess. Good cars exist everywhere, which is worthy of someone’s “big life.”And contrary to the rash of negative press, the Mirage is an honest machine worthy of a closer look.
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  • MaintenanceCosts When these proposed regs came out it was quickly determined that the industry could satisfy them with a mix of fewer than 1/3 BEVs if nearly all ICE vehicles were hybridized. With that in mind, I think this lawsuit is mostly "FJB" political theater by Republican AGs trying to make sure that they don't get primaried by far-right party bases.
  • Lou_BC An I thought the President had absolute immunity;)
  • Lorenzo The solution of a Federal Republic of sovereign states is for each state to reject any "rules" by unelected executive departments, unless passed by a vote of Congress made up of the states' elected representatives. The Constitution does not grant the executive branch the power to pass laws.
  • Tassos There should be ban on any further ev innovation. Research and development should be limited to internal combustion powertrains only.
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh since most drivers text and drive and kill people all the time ... good. do it. enforce it and make it a inspection point and fine anyone disabling it 5000$, then revoke the license on any additional offenses.