PA Pol Outlines CAFE Debate: National Interest Vs. Lying Automakers, Big Oil

Robert Farago
by Robert Farago

When it comes to the debate over proposed increases in U.S. Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, rational argument takes a back seat to politics as usual, as this article in Pennsylvania's Patriot News illustrates. Hometown rep Todd Platts, lead Republican is lead on a bill raising federal mandated fuel efficiency by 40 percent (to 35 miles per gallon) by 2018. Platts: "The auto industry, as it does today, said it was impossible– it would compromise safety, choice. Obviously, history has proven that their statements were untruthful and technology did allow the advances." The opposition (a.k.a. "one industry lobbyist"): "Under this bill, in wanting to make the U.S. more like Europe, every American would be driving a Toyota Corolla. I don't think most Americans want that." Will Platt compromise with the forces of evil? Sure! "We believe there is technology that would allow you to go beyond 35, but we also know that given the special interests that are lined up against us — the auto industry and the oil industry — you have to be realistic," Platts said.

Robert Farago
Robert Farago

More by Robert Farago

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  • Alanp Alanp on Jul 24, 2007

    The way to achieve demand for more efficient cars is to raise the price of fuel - an extra couple of bucks a gallon gas tax would do it. And then the government can give poor people and REAL farmers and construction workers and those who NEED big vehicles a subsidy out of the taxes collected. This way those who NEED big vehicles and can't afford the fuel will be helped, and those who don't need gas guzzlers, or are well off will either chose more efficient transportation, or pay the taxes.

  • Jkross22 Jkross22 on Jul 24, 2007

    Raise taxes? Brilliant! 'Cause the government ALWAYS spends our money more judiciously than individuals can. Those that think cheap gas is making a comeback need to wake up. $20 and a steak dinner say we hit $4/gallon in the next year. Any takers?

  • Z31 Z31 on Jul 24, 2007
    Luther: A doubleplus good idea. Well played.
  • VLAD VLAD on Jul 24, 2007

    JCross The right hurricane and it might be 5 or 6. And that is if we are lucky, ie no lines or shortages. If the dollar keeps falling against the Euro at the same pace as last year, it's 4 buck gas even if gas doesn't go up for a year, and that isn't likely.
