Setting the Stage? Mexican Auto Employees Elect Independent Union

When the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was being floated as a possible replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), one of the biggest selling points was the inclusion of new labor protections for Mexican workers. The Trump administration wanted to ensure serious labor reform took place south of the border to ensure union business was conducted responsibly and wages would increase. As a byproduct, USMCA is supposed to encourage North American synergies while gradually discouraging U.S. businesses from blindly sending jobs to Mexico to capitalize on poverty tier wages.

That theory will now be tested in earnest after General Motors employees from the Silao full-size truck plant voted overwhelmingly to dump the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM) for the Independent Syndicate of National Workers (SINTTIA).

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  • Mike Beranek A driver's seat that delivers a 10,000 volt shock whenever the driver makes a turn or changes lanes without signalling.
  • Wolfwagen How about some standardization of wiper controls? I have 5 different cars in my family's fleet and have driven a ton of rentals for work. Holy F*cking Sh*t Balls! Left side, right side, push the lever up to turn on, push the lever down to turn on, push the lever forward to turn on, pull the lever back to turn, slide indicator to the left to decrease intermittent wipe time, slide indicator to the right to decrease intermittent wiper time.
  • Redapple2 Someone else said it. Looks like a 4/5 size ford edge (front and back)
  • Rochester Tim, where was your head at in 1984 when it became a law to wear your seatbelt? Personally I thought it was none of the Gubmint's bizniss to force me to belt up. Today, I feel exposed and unsafe without it. My point is, give it time, both the tech and your values will evolve.
  • Theflyersfan After looking it over, Honda, I want royalties for this one: The Honda Yawn.