QOTD: If You Could Turn Back Time…?

Every last one of us remembers sitting in a restaurant, wondering if we’d made a horrible mistake by choosing salad over the potentially superior soup of the day. Soup is unpredictable; salad is a safe choice. But what if the soup, as it sometimes is, was actually the more satisfying choice?

You missed out, and time only makes the doubts and regrets grow stronger.

Out in your driveway, or perhaps stashed in a nearby parking garage, is a car you bought or leased based on the assumption it was the best choice of all available options in your price range. Has the passage of months or years revealed your present vehicle as a safe salad to someone else’s weak-at-the-knees, far more satisfying soup? Did you make a mistake this time around?

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  • Ajla Anything over about 5 years or 50k miles and you're buying the prior owner's maintenance and driving habits as much as you are the brand.
  • Loser I had a spice red 06, only complaint was the stereo sucked. The low end torque was intoxicating. Had an ‘04 Mustang Mach that I really loved but the GTO was a huge upgrade. It was probably the best road trip car I’ve ever had. They were just about giving them away when I got mine. Never understood why they didn’t sell better. People say it was too bland but it was perfect to me.
  • Lou_BC "What Brand Makes the Best Used Cars?" . .. None... They build new cars.
  • Lou_BC None. . . They build new cars.
  • SilverCoupe Well, I have had five cars over the last 46 years of car ownership, that have lasted me 6, 7, 10, 10, and 13 years (all but one purchased used), so my current car, a 16 year old '08 Audi A5 purchased in 2011, is the winner. I just drove it from Philly to the New York area and back to Philly today, and it remains rock solid.