Audi Donating $1.1 Million for Refugee Help

You’d have to pay attention and skip the endless garbage about Kentucky county clerks and Donald Trump to hear about the unprecedented flight (and plight) of migrants in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing war torn countries such as Syria, and the European Union is struggling to find homes for all of them.

On Thursday, Audi said it would donate €1 million ($1.12 million) to help refugee aid organizations near its factories.

“We have been shocked by the great suffering of the refugees in Europe,” Rupert Stadler, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, said in a statement. “People at our doorsteps are in need — and we therefore want to offer help quickly and avoid red tape.”

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  • FreedMike IIRC, weren't '70s Japanese cars prone to rust?
  • Arthur Dailey Always liked these ever since my favourite aunt and uncle replaced the last of their British coupes (MG's and Jaguars) with one of these.
  • Redapple2 JK. said very little after Biden blew up NS2....... You saw through the BS. Good on yah bro.
  • SCE to AUX Some kids had posters of a Countach on their walls, but this is the car I always wanted.I'm not up-to-date on the market, but although this car is very nice, I'd expect it to be perfect for the asking price.Great find!
  • Tassos I live and die by the Tassos brand. Pickled garlic, salvaged bread, mayo stolen from cafeterias, horse meat and used diesel e-classes. I am very successful though.