Bark's Bites: The Jump(y)in' Blues, Part One

As is surely the case for many of TTAC’s readers, cars aren’t my only passion in life. Early on in my college and young adult life, I spent many nights in the addictive limelight that only belongs to the performing musician. Being a saxophonist gave me a sort of versatility that not many other musicians had-R&B band one night, Ska/Punk the next, Jazz the next, and so on.

But the one music that has stayed consistent with me throughout my life has been the Blues. The Blues is present in all forms of American music-it’s the foundation of Rock and Roll, Country, Jazz…everything. One could make the argument that the Blues is America’s Classical music-much like the classical music of Europe, it’s based on folk tunes that have been passed down from generation to generation aurally, and it’s totally unique from region to region. Mississippi, New Orleans, Kansas City, Chicago. They each have their own brand of Blues that a true connoisseur can recognize immediately.

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  • ToolGuy I have 2 podcasts to listen to before commenting, stop rushing my homework.
  • ToolGuy Please allow me to listen to the podcast before commenting. (This is the way my mind works, please forgive me.)
  • ToolGuy My ancient sedan (19 years lol) matches the turbo Mazda 0-60 (on paper) while delivering better highway fuel economy, so let's just say I don't see a compelling reason to 'upgrade' and by the way HOW HAVE ICE POWERTRAIN ENGINEERS BEEN SPENDING THEIR TIME never mind I think I know. 😉
  • FreedMike This was the Official Affluent-Mom Character Mobile in just about every TV show and movie in the Aughts.
  • Offbeat Oddity The RAV4, and I say this as someone who currently owns a 2014 CR-V. My aunt has a 2018 CR-V that has had a lot of electrical issues, and I don't trust the turbo and CVT to last as long as Toyota's NA engine and 8-speed automatic. Plus, the RAV4 looks sportier and doesn't have the huge front overhang.