Bridge-jumping, Car-stealing Woman Was 'Hella Drunk,' Say Court Docs

An alleged prostitute who jumped off the Bay Bridge to avoid arrest in August was “hella drunk” from splitting a fifth of Hennessy, according arrest affidavits reported by the Contra Costa Times.

According to the report, 25-year-old Erlynn Kay Sanchez-Edwards was arrested in Oakland after police searched for the woman for nearly a month after they say she crashed a car she had stolen, then jumped off the Bay Bridge to icy water nearly 70 feet below, swam and hitched a ride with a truck driver.

Sanchez-Edwards was charged with three misdemeanor counts of hit-and-run driving, evading a police officer and driving without a license. The water temperature when Sanchez-Edwards allegedly dove off the bridge was likely below 55 degrees, and survival time in the water can be 30 minutes to 1 hour. Maybe less in evening wear.

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  • Bkojote Headlight warnings need to be a thing, particularly in the era of backlit gauges and bright DRLs. Way too many people don't know how to operate a light switch on their Nissan Rogues.
  • Jalop1991 going back to truth in advertising, they should just call it the Honda Recall.
  • Plaincraig A way to tell drivers to move over for emergency vehicles. Extra points if it tells were it is coming from and which way you should move to get out of the way.
  • EBFlex Ridiculous. “Insatiable demand for these golf carts yet the government needs to waste tax money to support them. What a boondoggle
  • EBFlex Very effective headlights. Some tech is fine. Seatbelts, laminated glass, etc. But all this crap like traction control, back up cameras, etc are ridiculous. Tech that masks someone’s poor driving skills is tech that should NOT be mandated.