Amped Up: Installing an EV Charger at Home

There’s no shortage of debate in this country about electric vehicles – and for good reason. For some, the technology just isn’t quite there yet to fulfil the daily duties they require of their primary vehicle. For others, existing levels of range being offered in the marketplace suits their needs just fine. Other considerations like affordability and performance are as much case-by-case as an individual’s dinner order at a restaurant.

One thing almost everyone can agree on? The appalling state of public charging infrastructure. Faced with broken chargers or a simple lack thereof, your decided to make the leap and install a Level 2 charger in the garage space attached to his home.

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  • Buickman mostly cut and paste information. where is Jack Baruth when you need him?
  • ToolGuy In a perfect world (we don't have that), and a stable world (also no), one might expect the used EV pricing curve to follow the new EV pricing curve but with a lag. Overall that might be sort of what we are seeing but I will have to noodle on it more. (I know you can't wait.)
  • ToolGuy Ok after listening to the podcast (and re-listening to the relevant part while doing a painting job in the hot sun, won't make any significant pronouncements at this point) I was curious about the methodology. ¶ Here you go: "Methodology iSeeCars analyzed over 2.2 million 1- to 5-year-old used cars sold in May 2023 and 2024. The average listing prices of each car model were compared between the two time periods, and the differences were expressed as both a percentage difference from the 2023 price as well as a dollar difference. Heavy-duty vehicles, low-volume vehicles, vehicles discontinued as of the 2023 model year, and vehicles in production for fewer than four of the last five model years for each period were excluded from further analysis." ¶ So for any specific model, you have age and mileage and condition factoring in (think of the volume curve for 'new' models over the past 5 years). ¶ The overall averages have a -lot- of model mix going on. ¶ Random question: is the 'listing price' the listing price (likely) or the actual transaction price? (It matters if the listing prices were too optimistic a year ago, i.e., some of the 'drop' would represent more realism in the listing prices.)
  • Johnny ringo VinFast? The name sounds like some kind of a sports drink to me. The early reviews of their vehicles were absolutely terrible. The last vehicle I am going to buy is from a no-name company without any kind of reputation behind it. This reminds me of the Yugo-that was certainly successful.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X What is the term for a car that is not a collector, but just cool enough to own? As in it being interesting and special. Just priced right, but not worthy enough to over value it. Just to have fun with it. This would be similar to owning a Saab 900, a Subaru Brat or Pontiac Fiero. Just something different.