Hong Kong Electrifies

Now here is the perfect place for electric vehicles: Hong Kong. Range anxiety? Not here. Hong Kong is a city where no trip is more than 20 miles or so one way. Driving into the hinterlands is blocked by a border and by the necessity for secondary mainland Chinese license plates. Registration taxes on cars are high, they vary from 35% to over 100%, based on the size and value of the car. Gasoline prices are high, about half of the price is tax. Fertile grounds for EVs.

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  • ToolGuy If these guys opened a hotel outside Cincinnati I would go there to sleep, and to dream.
  • ToolGuy Michelin's price increases mean that my relationship with them as a customer is not sustainable. 🙁
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X I wonder if Fiat would pull off old world Italian charm full of well intentioned stereotypes.
  • Chelsea I actually used to work for this guy
  • SaulTigh Saw my first Cybertruck last weekend. Looked like a kit car...not an even panel to be seen.