FHWA To Spend $1.2b To Federalize Traffic Reports

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will issue a final rule next month that will force states to spend an estimated $1.2 billion to implement the “511” traffic information hotline championed by former Vice President Al Gore. So far, thirty-two states have established telephone numbers that provide callers with pre-recorded traffic updates. The rule will standardize the data formats and required features that will apply to all the states, beginning with coverage in the top-fifty metropolitan areas.

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Federal Agency Rules Traffic Camera Enforcement Lines Illegal

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) last month issued an official ruling that found red light camera “violation lines” illegal. A number of jurisdictions across the country paint four-inch wide white lines on the pavement at what is known as the “prolongation” of the cross street’s curb line in order to facilitate the use of automated ticketing machines. These are not the “stop bar” or crosswalk lines that most motorists expect, but a third set of lines that appear at the very edge of the intersection.

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  • FreedMike Your Ford AI instructor:
  • Jeff Good find I cannot remember when I last saw one of these but in the 70s they were all over the place.
  • CoastieLenn Could be a smart move though. Once the standard (that Tesla owns and designed) is set, Tesla bows out of the market while still owning the rights to the design. Other companies come in and purchase rights to use it, and Tesla can sit back and profit off the design without having to lay out capital to continue to build the network.
  • FreedMike "...it may also be true that they worry that the platform is influencing an entire generation with quick hits of liberal political thought and economic theory."Uh...have you been on TikTok lately? Plenty of FJB/MAGA stuff going on there.
  • AZFelix As a child I loved the look and feel of the 'woven' black vinyl seat inserts.