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The products we review are not chosen by our advertisers, nor do the brands making the products have any input on the reviews we give the products. We hunt for the best products out there. We look for and pick products that we like, that have amazing user reviews, or ones that are bestsellers, and we dig to the bottom of why people like them so much and share any pitfalls.

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  • Lorenzo People don't want EVs, they want inexpensive vehicles. EVs are not that. To paraphrase the philosopher Yogi Berra: If people don't wanna buy 'em, how you gonna stop 'em?
  • Ras815 Ok, you weren't kidding. That rear pillar window trick is freakin' awesome. Even in 2024.
  • Probert Captions, pleeeeeeze.
  • ToolGuy Companies that don't have plans in place for significant EV capacity by this timeframe (2028) are going to be left behind.
  • Tassos Isn't this just a Golf Wagon with better styling and interior?I still cannot get used to the fact how worthless the $ has become compared to even 8 years ago, when I was able to buy far superior and more powerful cars than this little POS for.... 1/3rd less, both from a dealer, as good as new, and with free warranties. Oh, and they were not 15 year olds like this geezer, but 8 and 9 year olds instead.