Junkyard Find: 1960 Chevrolet Brookwood Two-door Wagon
Once the original 1955-1957 Chevy Nomad two-door wagon became a sacred icon among those who prize Detroit machinery of the Eisenhower Era, all GM two-door wagons attained a certain prestige among those who enjoy cruise nights, car shows, Time Out dolls, and the 119,544th repetition of Hot Rod Lincoln (no, not the gloriously hillbilly original 1955 Charlie Ryan version, the still-excellent-but-now-overplayed 1971 Commander Cody version, which incorrectly refers to the souped-up Lincoln motor as a V8). I would have thought that a genuine two-door 1960 Biscayne wagon ought to have found someone willing to keep it on the street, but this car in a northeastern Colorado yard proves me wrong.
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Junkyard Find: 1962 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan

During the early-to-mid 1960s, the king of the full-sized Chevrolet world was the loaded Impala. The Bel Air wasn’t quite as luxurious, but still had a decent amount of swank. For the bargain-conscious car shopper who wanted a bare-bones full-size sedan without a lot of costly gingerbread, the Chevy Biscayne was an excellent choice.

Here’s a ’62 that outlived most of the Impalas and Bel Airs, now ending its 56-year journey in a Denver self-service wrecking yard.

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Down On The Mile High Street: 1967 Chevrolet Impala

With all the relatively solid big Detroit cars from the 1960s getting eaten by The Crusher in these days of $4/gallon gasoline and $250/ton scrap steel prices, how does a rough survivor like this sedan manage to stay out of the Chinese steel foundries?

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Curbside Classic: 1959 Chevrolet Biscayne

Look at the picture above. Now pretend it’s your rearview mirror. That giant set of batwings is right behind you and gaining; now it pulls into the fast lane. A couple of teenagers grin as they zip by you ass-backwards at seventy miles an hour. The front grille of the ’59 Chevy slowly recedes in the distance ahead. If you spent any time on the roads of Cincinnati around 1969, this may well have happened to you.

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  • Wjtinfwb We too have a Subaru, a '16 Crosstrek. Aside from it's appetite for batteries (or crappy Subaru batteries), so far it's been a reliable ride, but from day one I've always thought it felt flimsy. I'm sure we'll get good service out of it and have no plans to replace it, but won't be surprised if it starts nickel and diming up as all those plastics and the electronics start to age.
  • Bd2 Excellent article, very nice car. Thank you Murilee.
  • Make_light I like Subarus, and I often think they don't get enough credit for how they drive. Lots of people say it's the faux-rugged image that accounts for their popularity, but they also drive with a solidity and plantedness that's absent from a lot of the Japanese competition. That being said, this thing is ugly. I never felt that Subarus were as ugly as commenters claim they are. Boring, sure, but not necessarily ugly. But between this and the refreshed Legacy, it's like they're trying to make their vehicles look as incohesive and awkward as possible.
  • SCE to AUX I think the 2.2 was a pretty durable engine.
  • Rochester We'll probably be trading in our 2018 Touring Edition Forester for the next model, and are waiting to see what the Hybrid is all about. Would be nice if they disclose whether or not it will be a plug-in Hybrid.