Report: Apple Wants IPhone to Have More Control Over Cars

Most of us have synced our phones to a vehicle to play music, unwittingly funneling personal information to the manufacturer in the process. But only an elite few have used their mobile device to digitally summon an automobile out of a garage or remotely tell it to pre-condition interior temperatures to the desired specification. However, that’s likely going to be the future and Apple would very much like to be leading the charge.

The tech giant is reportedly developing a way to better integrate smartphones with cars by accessing systems that are currently unavailable to CarPlay. Apple’s new program, internally known as IronHeart, seeks to collaborate with automakers so that its phones can network with vehicles in new and interesting ways. It’s effectively CarPlay 2.0 and sounds as though it would be giving the company access to just about every item drivers might interface with on a daily basis.

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Worried About Recalls? The NHTSA Has an App for That

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) just dropped an updated application for smart devices that offers the ability to automatically track recall information. After downloading, users simply input or scan their vehicle identification number (VIN) into their phone and the government-sanctioned service will notify them when/if recall new information becomes available.

While automakers and equipment manufacturers are still legally obligated to inform customers directly, the NHTSA believes redundancy isn’t a terrible idea when it comes to safety — and the app should beat any mailers sent out in the event of a recall.

Our more tech-savvy readers are probably wondering what the catch is, and with good reason. Free apps typically come with privacy concerns, as user data is frequently shoveled around to “optimize the experience” and/or make the creator some money. But there doesn’t seem to be any of that here. The NHTSA said the app won’t store any user information and only needs the basic details about your vehicle(s), which will never leave your device.

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  • Redapple2 Bad cars. Bad company. Bad employer for professionals in plants. Evil gm Vampire.
  • Bd2 There's nothing wrong with admitting there is a problem yet that is but the first step. Hopefully GM can resurrect their vaunted hybrid technology and apply it to high value luxury vehicles and perhaps give the world a revival of that V Magic. They could even give Genesis a run for it's crosshatched grille money.
  • TMA1 Tell me the ICE version is going to weigh less. A 5,800 lb electric Charger just took the worst part of the old Charger and made it 30% heavier.
  • Danddd Just say no to CVTs unless you like the sound of droning.
  • Oberkanone GM will have 30 EV models by 2025. Over 40% of GM sales will be EV by 2025.quote - Marry Barra circa 2020Including 4 Chevy EV, 2 Buick EV, and 4 Cadillac EV.