Hammer Time : Pick Your Stick!

5 cars – 5 sticks = 0 Customer Demand

I hate looking at that equation. But these days, it’s about as true for the car business as Georgia is hot. An older stickshift vehicle that isn’t an all out sports car will sit at a retail lot for months on end.

Nobody knows how to drive them except for those folks who are either too middle-aged, too arthritic, or too affluent to buy an older car with a manual transmission.

Don’t believe me? Well, here’s five vehicles that have become the equivalent of heavyweight paperweights at my humble abode. The funny thing is I like driving them all… I just wish I wasn’t two stickshifts away from driving a different handshaker every day of the week.

They are….

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  • NigelShiftright My favorite color on any current car is the "McLaren orange" on Subaru Crosstreks. Unfortunately I am about four inches too tall to fit behind the wheel of one.
  • Bd2 This should solve some of those awkward styling elements on the first EV6 and doing so only 3 years into the product cycle will also be increasing it's collectible value at future Barret Jackson auctions . A youtuber I follow does expect the Kia EV6 to be among the pioneers of collectible electric cars. I recently traced my 1997 Toyota Supra Turbo for a Kia EV9.
  • Redapple2 HK makes rubbish. Spend 10% more. Get 25 % better.
  • Redapple2 Bad cars. Bad company. Bad employer for professionals in plants. Evil gm Vampire.
  • Bd2 There's nothing wrong with admitting there is a problem yet that is but the first step. Hopefully GM can resurrect their vaunted hybrid technology and apply it to high value luxury vehicles and perhaps give the world a revival of that V Magic. They could even give Genesis a run for it's crosshatched grille money.