QOTD: Flee, Go Underground, or Give In?

They’re coming, and if you want to hang on to what’s near and dear to you, you’ve got to make a decision. And fast.

Well, maybe give it a few years.

As lawmakers and wannabe lawmakers go hog wild on proposed internal combustion bans in Europe, the idea has taken hold in North America. Different culture, different travel distances, different landscapes, but the same rhetoric. Same solutions. Same challenges, too, though there might be a few additional ones over here.

When they come for your car, what will you do?

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  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X I wonder if Fiat would pull off old world Italian charm full of well intentioned stereotypes.
  • Chelsea I actually used to work for this guy
  • SaulTigh Saw my first Cybertruck last weekend. Looked like a kit car...not an even panel to be seen.
  • GregLocock Bear in mind this is purely a branding exercise and has no significant input from AM. Buying one of these is like buying a Pink Floyd T shirt, no Dave and Nick didn't personally sew it up for you.
  • Lou_BC This is the sort of thing that lands 15 billion dollar Honda investments in Canada. One political party tries to undo everything the other one has done.