With Plants at Stake, Unifor Prepares to Plunge Into Detroit Three Negotiations

Canadian auto manufacturing has steadily declined over the past several decades, and the future looks cloudy for workers at Detroit Three plants. It’s under this gathering gloom that the union representing these workers, Unifor, enters into contract negotiations with General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler.

The last round of collective bargaining was rough, but the near-closure of GM’s Oshawa Assembly (where auto production ceased last year) provided Unifor with a grim portent of what could await other underutilized Canuck plants.

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GM Autoworkers Ratify $421 Million Contract; Fiat Chrysler Negotiations Come Next

Unionized General Motors workers in Canada ratified a new collective agreement yesterday, with the automaker agreeing to invest $421 million ($554 million CAD) into its northern operations.

The deal, which sees full-size pickup final assembly come to Oshawa, was sealed after 64.7 percent of the Unifor members voted to approve it. With this nail-biter of a negotiation done (the last-minute deal averted a looming strike), contract negotiations begin with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.

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  • Cprescott Not legal. Executive branch cannot fund jack. This is Congressional authority.
  • FreedMike I'm sure it's a nice enough car, but dear Lord, are these ugly, and it's a lot worse in light colors.
  • Fred If the guy behind me had auto braking maybe he wouldn't have rear ended me and totaled my car. Even with insurance it would of saved me $10g and I'd still have my safe driving discount.
  • SCE to AUX I don't really understand what this money does, but if it's for The Children, then I'm all for it.
  • Redapple2 Super looking. 4000lbs and $75,000 out the door and i d be tempted.