Elon Musk Buys 007 Submarine, Will Attempt To Make It Functional

Elon Musk, the real-life Tony Stark of our times, has quite the extensive résumé: Founder of PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motors; billionaire investor of projects and businesses such as SolarCity and the preservation of Nikola Tesla’s lab; inventor of the Hyperloop rapid mass transit concept; 007 cosplayer…

Yes, you read that right: Musk is a huge fan of the man who loves his martinis shaken and his women to have double entendre naming schemes. So much so, in fact, that he now has one of Bond’s most awesome vehicles ever conceived.

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  • Doc423 Rolling Coal is not a bad thing either.
  • Ajla In high school I really wanted a yellow GTO.
  • Lou_BC Sweet car.
  • FreedMike With 157K miles, that's basically a beater that looks good. Plus, I heard Honda CVTs turn dicey with age. I'm a "no" at $12,500, but someone's heart will go all aflutter over the J-vin (Ohio-vin?) and pay up. With a manual in the same shape, I'd be in for a LOT less.
  • EBFlex More proof the EV world is crumbling. In a market with supposedly “insatiable demand”, these kinds of things don’t happen. Nor do layoffs.