That's Off-The-Record: The Almost Stillborn Nissan Z

I fell in love for the first time as a 10-year-old boy in tiny Pella, Iowa. She passed me and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her until she turned the corner and ran away.

That babe was the 1970 Datsun 240Z, and it was driven by one of the coolest cats in town.

Little did I know then that I’d have a hand in bringing the Z back from the dead some 28 years later.

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That's Off-The-Record: Textual Healing Redux

Back in 2012, a Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) spokesman said one reason southeastern Michigan had seen an increase in traffic crashes and deaths is because the area is more urbanized, thus has more motorists than the rest of the state.

In a column the next day on The Michigan View, The Detroit News political website, I countered the spokesperson’s claim, arguing “more motorists” logically explained “why” there are more accidents and deaths in urbanized areas, but did not explain the increasing frequency of those rates. (That column is also featured in my second book, Jimmy Hoffa Called My Mom a Bitch: Profiles in Stupidity. Pardon the self-promotion.)

What could be behind the rise after years of declining numbers? Maybe, I argued, it was a regulation legislators began enacting in SE Michigan, the state, and — in fact — the entire country in 2007: the ban on texting while driving.

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  • MaintenanceCosts Most of the article after the blockquote is Posky laboring mightily to somehow blame this clearly anticompetitive and oligopolistic conduct on the big bad government.I look forward to some of the usual commenters explaining to us that, actually, the oil industry is a cuddly teddy bear and the real villain is people trying to sell us cars that don't use oil.
  • Bd2 A modest price bump for one of the better if not the best vehicle in it's class. And it's a very good deal still considering the Front wheel drive competition over at Lexus to name one. These Genesis vehicles are more like BMWs of the 90s but with better styling.
  • Dave M. What???? Big business taking advantage of us? I thought it was all Biden's fault!?!
  • OA5599 Now if we could only get Toyota to change BZ4X...
  • FreedMike You mean the petroleum market is manipulated and doesn't respond to normal supply/demand? No way. Can't be. This, folks, is why electrification is important - the only reason why the petroleum industry gets away with this is because they were the only game in town for over a century. That has GOT to change or we'll keep getting ripped off.