A Primer On Houston SLAB Culture

This well-traveled Houstonian thinks his town is Pistonhead Nirvana, proven every month via fanboi scale and diversity at Cars and Coffee gatherings. Or with every 1000+hp racer on at Texas2k, every shoestring budget’d LeMons racer and Art Car fanatic: it’s all here. Except there’s nothing like Houston SLAB culture.

A confession: I know automotive subcultures, no matter which socioeconomic population nurtures it, always raise the ire of outsiders. My response? Every generalization about SLABs applies to anyone building a custom, race or show car. We are all the same, deal with it.

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Piston Slap: Why Dented Roof, Regal? BECAUSE S.L.A.B.

Ed writes:

Hello Sajeev,

Recently my GF and I became the owners of a 1999 Buick Regal with about 225k miles on it. We weren’t in the market for a Buick, but when a limb dropped on its roof from a dead tree was combined with a higher deductible and a desire to keep the claim off our homeowners policy, the natural thing to do was buy the dented car for the $2500 asking price. Now our question is what is the best way to get most of our money back from this “investment”?

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Piston Slap: 100,000 Mile Tune Ups, Dex-Cool, Grandma's S.L.A.B.
Justin writes:


I have a 2001 Buick Regal LS. I bought it in 2007 with 14,000 miles on (yes, from a grandmother). It has 72,000 miles on it as of this morning. It’s not a great car and has required plenty of maintenance (for example, I’ve had to replace the brakes completely 3 times already). However, I have a few questions about long term items:

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  • Jeff Good find I cannot remember when I last saw one of these but in the 70s they were all over the place.
  • CoastieLenn Could be a smart move though. Once the standard (that Tesla owns and designed) is set, Tesla bows out of the market while still owning the rights to the design. Other companies come in and purchase rights to use it, and Tesla can sit back and profit off the design without having to lay out capital to continue to build the network.
  • FreedMike "...it may also be true that they worry that the platform is influencing an entire generation with quick hits of liberal political thought and economic theory."Uh...have you been on TikTok lately? Plenty of FJB/MAGA stuff going on there.
  • AZFelix As a child I loved the look and feel of the 'woven' black vinyl seat inserts.
  • Aja8888 Maybe he's putting the cost savings into Cybertruck production?