Housekeeping: What Happened To That Mustang Post?

Die-hard TTAC readers who stick with us for the weekends might notice something strange about the site today: we’re missing a post. On Sunday morning, we republished a story that originally appeared on We did this after coming to an agreement with the administrator of that site to “re-pop” news and features that might be of interest to the Best&Brightest, in exchange for links back to the original site.

Yesterday afternoon, the fellow who had originally given us permission to publish the article changed his mind and demanded that we take it down immediately, stating that “[the article] was a direct copy with no link-back initially. When one was added it was a pitiful effort; a single hyperlink that looks identical to several other hyperlinks that lead back to your site.” We’ve honored his request to take the article down and to never, ever, ever link to the “SVT Performance” fansite again.

However, one important piece of the article — an email written by Jamal Hameedi regarding the merits of Nurburgring lap-time marketing — was delivered to us under separate cover by another source, so we’re republishing that after the jump.

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  • Theflyersfan To: Fisker Manhattan Beach EmployeesFrom: The walking god himselfRe: Why your badge didn't workHey guys, you probably noticed some changes this morning like the locks being changed and the lights being out. Don't worry. Bob in Accounting has a huge basement and a pool table so we're going to move on there for our new super awesome headquarters. Get there quickly before the good parking is gone!
  • Bkojote Smart move if the financials work, considering the R3 has way more excitement around it than just about any Tesla product, as Tesla only seems to only excite tech illiterate guys who lost their wives mortgaging their house to buy bored apes.If Apple does in fact tie up with Rivian Tesla's goose is ultra-cooked.
  • Jkross22 Tim Apple sniffing around to see if he can sucker someone else into under-RAM'ing devices to save $2/unit and force upgrade people.
  • Jkross22 Not to rub salt in the wound, but why would you put your hq in some extraordinarily expensive real estate like Manhattan Beach? I know little of Fisker the person, but this reeks of ego and the desire for appearances.
  • 3-On-The-Tree I’ve responded to several bike accidents where if the guy wasn’t wearing a helmet he would’ve been in a casket. Plus it saves your hearing.