Beast From the Far East: Subaru Teases a Hotter WRX STI You Can't Have

Monday brought an ever-increasing barrage of Facebook and Twitter posts on the importance of voting from your obnoxious friends and family, but it also brought us this interesting tidbit from Japan.

The TC 380, which sounds like the name of a Brazilian pocket pistol, is actually a Subaru — one you won’t be able to find in American dealerships, apparently, but one you could probably build yourself.

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  • ToolGuy Let's count the poor decisions: Honda 18 model years past peak Honda. Ohio. Following too closely ('rock on the highway' doesn't leap up and attack your vehicle by itself, it is riding on a vehicle or thrown up by a vehicle, and you should be alert to this). Ohio. Not enough doors. Choosing to expand family -- in Ohio. 😉 Also not great at math.Engine bay picture: At least take a shower before your glamour shot lol.
  • ToolGuy Took me a minute to post; had to go back and see which account I was using the last time I commented on this topic (consistency is important). Thank you for your patience.
  • ToolGuy Ok wow, just wow. I used to live in America. Land of the free -- have I heard that somewhere? And here come TTAC writers and commentariat goose stepping in lockstep, dancing on the grave of liberty. Didn't your dysfunctional homeowners association get all that government overreach out of your system? I thought we won WW2, guess I was mistaken.
  • Dartman If one is so hellbent on drawing attention to themselves just mount a big “Trump 2024” or “Black Lives Matter” flag (your choice) on your truck and call it day. Lot cheaper, same result.
  • AZFelix I'd buy a 'harlequin' edition if it was composed of a company's complete palette of greys and silver.Family had a couple of Pontiacs in teal and purple in years past. I was not a fan.My current ride is Lakeside Blue.