Drowsy Driving Might Be a Bigger Problem Than Previously Thought

Back in 2014, an American Automobile Association study estimated that tired motorists were responsible for around 328,000 accidents annually — 6,400 of which were fatal. However, unlike drunk driving, there’s no sound metric for assessing the true scope of the problem. Getting tired is something that just sort of happens. People don’t stay out all night not sleeping because it’s fun, the police can’t test for it, and almost nobody is going to say they were dozing off behind the wheel in an accident report — either because they are too embarrassed or stopped feeling tired at the moment of their brush with death.

That makes the issue a bit of a phantom menace. We all know it’s a problem, but the frequency remains debatable. Fortunately, a new study released by AAA this week helps clear things up. Researchers affixed dashboard cameras to 3,593 vehicles in order to monitor the drivers’ faces, then used a PERCLOS-based fatigue monitoring strategy to come to the conclusion that drowsiness is a contributing factor in 10.6 to 10.8 percent of all accidents resulting in significant property damage, airbag deployment, or injury.

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  • The Oracle Geesh, Stellantis can’t even perform the upkeep on that relic of a plant. Sad.
  • The Oracle I see Tesla introducing disruptive charging technology within 3 years.
  • The Oracle I can see into the future and I see fisticuffs and profanity-laced tirades coming to charging locations near ya’ll.
  • El scotto Will ascots be discussed at the HOA meetings? Or Purdey shotguns?
  • El scotto Wait, wait will they rename the street it fronts Jermyn or New Bond Street?