Rebuild, Part Out, Export, or Race Out: 2002 Toyota Camry

Every once in a very blue moon, I’ll go to a mini-warehouse auction.

The realities of this low-down clearance process is completely unlike the miracles and glories that come with episodes of Storage Wars. You want junky third world quality furniture? Or memoirs of the 1980’s and 1990’s left behind by your neighbors from their very last estate sale before they finally moved to a condominium? The local storage auctions are the place to go. 80% to 90% pure junk.

This is where I recently found this wrecked 2002 Toyota Solara SE with 140k miles. For $375, it was all mine.

Should I…

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  • Lou_BC This is the sort of thing that lands 15 billion dollar Honda investments in Canada. One political party tries to undo everything the other one has done.
  • Ajla "Mr Musk needs to go" "should not be CEO anymore."It isn't exactly easy getting rid of someone that owns 20.5% of the company (likely 25% by year's end), is one of the wealthiest people on Earth and has a giant media presence. Elon's only stepping down if he or God makes the decision.
  • Lou_BC I like the colour. That's about it.
  • Lou_BC I'd say Mr. Musk needs to lay off the ketamine.
  • Lua65789308 Laundering Federal money can make anyone very wealthy.