Syncro-Nined: An Ennead of Surprising All-Wheel-Drive Golfs That Predate the R32

The recent news that Volkswagen is pondering an all-wheel-drive Golf for U.S. customers surprised many.

“All-wheel drive is now part of the Volkswagen DNA,” commented Dr. Hendrik Muth of Volkswagen at the U.S. launch of the Alltrack.

That means Volkswagen will be taking on Subaru, the reigning king of all-wheel drive for the masses in the U.S. And since the Golf is already fairly dear in price, adding an all-wheel-drive option to the hatch will make Volkswagen’s compact a near-luxury item. At that price, why wouldn’t you just buy an Audi? It’s the brand with the all-wheel-drive expertise in the VAG clan.

But the reality of an all-wheel-drive Golf is now 20 years old.

Let’s take a look back at nine of the more interesting pre-Alltrack, pre-4Motion versions of the Golf that most U.S. customers have never even heard of.

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2015 Dodge Charger V6 AWD Review - Four-Door Pony Car

Looking at all the full-size sedans available in America is certainly a case of “one of these things is not like the other.” Dodge’s latest iteration of the LX-platformed, rear-wheel drive sedan sticks out like a sore thumb covered in beer and barbecue sauce.

The freshly facelifted, second-generation new Charger (it’s the seventh generation overall to use the nameplate) is exactly what I want in a pony car with four doors: mean looks, lots of power and a suspension more tuned for going in a straight line than around corners.

But, I am not going to say its better than the new Maxima — another full-size(-ish) sedan that makes a sporty claim. Actually, it’s definitely not as good as the Maxima.

And I couldn’t care less.

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  • Mike Beranek A driver's seat that delivers a 10,000 volt shock whenever the driver makes a turn or changes lanes without signalling.
  • Wolfwagen How about some standardization of wiper controls? I have 5 different cars in my family's fleet and have driven a ton of rentals for work. Holy F*cking Sh*t Balls! Left side, right side, push the lever up to turn on, push the lever down to turn on, push the lever forward to turn on, pull the lever back to turn, slide indicator to the left to decrease intermittent wipe time, slide indicator to the right to decrease intermittent wiper time.
  • Redapple2 Someone else said it. Looks like a 4/5 size ford edge (front and back)
  • Rochester Tim, where was your head at in 1984 when it became a law to wear your seatbelt? Personally I thought it was none of the Gubmint's bizniss to force me to belt up. Today, I feel exposed and unsafe without it. My point is, give it time, both the tech and your values will evolve.
  • Theflyersfan After looking it over, Honda, I want royalties for this one: The Honda Yawn.