New Paradox: Sales Down in a Red-Hot Market

Delivery numbers for the first quarter of 2022 may be down compared to this same time last year, but don’t construe that as a lack of customer interest. Supply and demand are out of sync for many manufacturers right now, leading to a situation in which there seems to be no shortage of buyers but a dearth of inventory to satiate their requests.

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Audi Introducing EV Crossover In 2018, Q8 Flagship SUV In 2019

Audi is set to launch a new flagship SUV in 2019, as well as an EV crossover in 2018, both part of the automaker’s 2020 model expansion plan.

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GM Reports $1b Q1 Profit, Still Seeking "Competitive Levels Of Profitability"

Once upon a time, GM’s North American operations spewed red ink across the firm’s balance sheet, with the whole mess kept afloat by relatively strong overseas operations. Now GM makes most of its money at home while its international divisions limp along. No, really: in its just-released Q1 financial report, GM reveals that some $1.7b of its $2.2b global EBIT came from its once-troubled home markets. What a difference a bailout makes!

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Chrysler Reports $116m Q1 Profit

Chrysler’s Q1 conference call is just beginning, and though you can’t listen in unless you’re registered media, you can download the slide set here [PDF] and the press release here. Besides, I’ll be updating this post with the latest as it happens, so why bother? Marchionne is just noting that Chrysler’s $116m Q1 profit is the first since 2009, although he seems more excited about “modified operating profit” of $477m, and free cash flow of other $2.526b.

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Toyota's H1 Production Up 46.8 Percent - But Where Are The Profit Numbers?

ToMoCo is keeping the suspense up on their long awaited and h otly rumored first quarter profit numbers. Daihatsu has reported stellar numbers. Hino has reported a nice set of financials. Now, “nine major Toyota Motor Corp. group companies all reported group net profits in the April-June quarter thanks to a recovery in the auto industry,” says The Nikkei [sub]. No word yet from the mother ship. EMCON. Strict radio silence.

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Toyota May Have Earned Over $1b In Q1 Of Fiscal Year

Toyota Motor Corp. is expected to report a group operating profit of about 100 billion yen ($1.14b) for the April-June period, The Nikkei [sub]. That would be a huge improvement over the same quarter loss of 194.8 billion yen ($2.23b) in 2009. In case you are wondering about the strange quarters: Japan goes by the fiscal year that ends on March 31. The April-June period is the first quarter of the new year, and times are good at TMC.

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Ford Pulls In $2.08 Billion Q1 Profit

The Ford Motor Company released its first quarter earnings today [Full report here, Slide presentation here (both PDF)], revealing that it gained over $2b in net profit on rising revenue and improved operating margins. Sales receipts rose to over $28b, and with each of Ford’s regional units posted operating profits, Ford’s gross automotive cash rose by $400m to $25.3b (although operating cash flow was $100m in the red). North American operations earned $1.2b in pre-tax operating profit, South America earned $203m, Europe recorded $107m and Asia-Pacific-Africa brought in $23m. Ford Credit racked up $828 in pre-tax profits, as lower depreciation levels improved results. Despite these fine results, Ford finished the quarter with $34.3b in automotive debt, a $700m increase from the beginning of the year. Ford paid $492m in interest on that debt in the first quarter.

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Un Miracolo Dell'Evoluzione: Chrysler Posts A Profit

Be extra careful when you read Bloomberg this morning. It will make you think you had one too many last night. The financial news service reports that Chrysler posted a $143 million operating profit in the first quarter,“after cutting costs and introducing a big pickup.” It’s a miracle alright.

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  • Arthur Dailey Note that two of the digits on the odometer (both '1's) are not aligned with the other numbers. We were told years ago that this indicates either that the odometer has turned over (in this instance probably twice) or the odometer has been 'tampered' with.
  • SCE to AUX TTAC is that only 10% of households buy a new car every year, so the survey responses are suspect. I'm sure most people would indicate they'd like to buy a new car next year. As for the "Car Buying Preferences" shown above, those aren't worth wrapping fish in. 80% care about fuel economy? Not when trucks and SUVs dominate sales. 35% prefer an EV? That's not reflected in sales.
  • Slavuta It should say "Bank Study ..... New Vehicle Purchases. Some - forever"
  • Fred I'm one of those 52%. My car was totaled about a year ago and had to get something. I'm not completely happy with the 2021 Honda HRV and wanted to upgrade, but when are on the lower end of the economy it's difficult to find anything under close to $30g I really want. Also the more I drive the Honda the more I like it.
  • SilverBullett When I was in middle school in the late 80s, two teachers both had this exact model in yellow. They both had over 100,000 miles on them and plan to run them for a long time.