The 18-Year-Old Auto Upgrade: Power Inverter - Energizer EN180

Even if your car is equipped with a built-in power port or two, it may not have enough outlets to support all the electronic devices and habits of you and yours, or said ports may be inconveniently located or accessed. Maybe you want a configuration your car doesn’t have, like a 120V outlet to power a laptop or portable DVD player. Or maybe whatever ports your car has just haven’t been quite right since that last Big Gulp incident.

If any of these scenarios is the case, a power inverter can be the solution. Depending on the make and model you choose, an inverter can give you the versatility to power several devices at once, juice up your laptop or other electronic device, or provide more power and quicker charging than built-in ports in your car. And with prices starting at less than $50, inverters are affordable enough to make sense for almost any budget.

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  • Bd2 I hope Elon eats one for dinner.
  • Wjtinfwb I really like these, but can't shake the voice in my head that says, "$9000 will just be the starting point. You'll have 20 grand in this baby inside of 18 months".
  • SCE to AUX I hope they're buying good lawyers, too.
  • SCE to AUX Nothing to see here. Gas prices 2021-23 were the same as they were in 2007-2008, adjusted for inflation. The R's were in charge then.
  • VoGhost Just reminding us all that we have to tolerate dealers (many of whom are billionaires) in the US if we want new legacy ICE vehicles because the dealers pay for the campaigns of local politicians, with our money.