Motorist Ticketed for 'Disrespecting' Slow-moving Officer

As far as important police work is concerned, moving violations always seem like the least-crucial activity for law enforcement to spend time on. That’s primarily because you never see them enforcing tailgating laws but they’re Johnny-on-the-spot when it comes to catching speeders — which research always seems on the fence about in terms of the actual public peril it presents.

Realistically, any major disparities between vehicle speeds on a roadway presents some added risk of collision. But, last Friday, a Canadian motorist discovered you don’t have to be going all that quick to get a ticket. Mathieu Gagne was cruising behind a slow-moving police vehicle on a two-lane road in Alberta, Canada, and decided to pass. He was immediately pulled over and issued a citation for driving less than 1 mile an hour over the posted limit.

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  • Funky D The only piece of technology introduced in the last 10 years that is actually useful is the backup camera. Get rid of the rest. All I want is a car with that and phone connectivity and zero driving nannies.
  • TheMrFreeze As somebody who's worked in IT for my entire career, I don't want any computer automatically doing something of this nature on my behalf. Automatically turning on my headlights? Sure (and why hasn't THAT been mandated yet). Automatically braking, or steering, or actually driving my car for me? Not an effing chance...I've seen computers do too much weird stuff for no reason to trust my life to one.
  • Daniel J Our CX-5 has hit its automatic brakes a few times at in very unnecessary situations. My 2018 doesn't have it, but it will shake and throw a warning if it thinks you should brake. Only once was it needed. The dozen or so times it has gone off I was already on the brakes or traffic was in a pattern that just fooled it.
  • Kosmo This would become interesting with a turbo and 6MT.
  • CanadaCraig 'Afraid' is the wrong word. The question should be, "Do you trust autonomous cars to get you from point A to point B and all points in between safely?" And my answer to that question is 'NO'.