Wary or Enthusiastic? MIT Wants Your Views on Automated Driving Technologies

Like it or not, autonomous vehicles are coming in one form or another.

Many new cars on the market already have features that help a driver stay in the driving lane, keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front, or reduce the severity of a collision. Much like the original stability control, these features may frustrate enthusiasts but they help keep the masses safer and might reduce accidents.

Each year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the New England Motor Press Association hold a conference that focuses on various future trends and technologies. This year’s topic is The Intersection of Technology and Design, with a panel discussion exploring trends and challenges as autonomous technology meets the natural aesthetic appeal of the automobile.

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  • Spectator Wild to me the US sent like $100B overseas for other peoples wars while we clammer over .1% of that money being used to promote EVs in our country.
  • Spectator got a pic of that 27 inch screen? That sounds massive!
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  • EBFlex It’s ironic that the typical low IQ big government simps are all over this yet we’re completely silent when oil companies took massive losses during Covid. Funny how that’s fine but profits aren’t. These people have no idea how business works.