Rare Rides: The 1959 Goggomobil Dart, Tiny Roadster Sans Doors

Today’s Rare Ride is an obscure variant of an already obscure microcar. The Dart you see here was an Australian-designed and built version of the Glas Goggomobil.

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Bark's Bites: The Lightweight, Affordable Sporting Car Is Dead by Our Own Hands

My friends, I spoke to you last week about the dangers of freedom-hating wackadoodles who want to take away your right to own and drive your own car. Some of you agreed with me, others didn’t. Such is the nature of an op-ed. I was pleased to see that only a couple of you tried to no-platform me — either I’m getting less offensive in my old age or you’re getting more tolerant, and both of those are good things.

But today I am here to warn you of a more subtle threat to your driving-related joy, and it’s coming from a rather unsuspected source — the very manufacturers of the cars we love so much. Well, no, that’s not exactly right. It’s actually coming from you. The economic factors presented by the buying behavior of the general public are eventually going to make it impossible for automakers to deliver the cars that enthusiasts want to buy.

I’m not just talking about silly “Save the Manuals” nonsense. I’m talking about being able to buy a lightweight car. I’m talking about buying a car that will allow you to get yourself into trouble without kicking in the traction control. They won’t be dead — at least, not yet. But there’s no denying that cheap, fun cars are very, very close to being a thing of the past.

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  • ToolGuy Michelin's price increases mean that my relationship with them as a customer is not sustainable. 🙁
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X I wonder if Fiat would pull off old world Italian charm full of well intentioned stereotypes.
  • Chelsea I actually used to work for this guy
  • SaulTigh Saw my first Cybertruck last weekend. Looked like a kit car...not an even panel to be seen.
  • GregLocock Bear in mind this is purely a branding exercise and has no significant input from AM. Buying one of these is like buying a Pink Floyd T shirt, no Dave and Nick didn't personally sew it up for you.