Tesla Seeking Candidates To Fill 30 Gigafactory Job Openings

Know someone looking for work? Tesla posted 30 job openings for its under-construction Gigafactory east of Reno, Nev.

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GM Admits It Lied About Federal Stimulus Package's Job Creation

First, let’s get something out in the open. The Detroit Free Press’ story on the jobs impact of Uncle Sam’s Motown mega-order forgets to mention one salient fact. As TTAC reported back in June, one-third of the 17,600 vehicles ordered from Chrysler, Ford and GM were/are/will be assembled outside the United States. Any article about the order’s effects on American jobs should begin with that fact, which this one has. Surprise! The federal fleet sailing to The Big Three’s rescue did no such thing for American autoworkers. “The overriding purpose of the stimulus was to jump-start the economy and create jobs, though Obama never claimed the vehicle purchases would create jobs. While the latest reports from stimulus recipients show all three carmakers getting orders totaling $270 million so far, job creation from the purchases was nil.” Don’t you just love it when the media pre-apologizes for the President? How about when a major manufacturer lies about its federal blessing to please its federal taskmasters?

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  • MaintenanceCosts "And with ANY car, always budget for maintenance."The question is whether you have to budget a thousand bucks (or euro) a year, or a quarter of your income.
  • FreedMike The NASCAR race was a dandy. That finish…
  • EBFlex It’s ironic that the typical low IQ big government simps are all over this yet we’re completely silent when oil companies took massive losses during Covid. Funny how that’s fine but profits aren’t. These people have no idea how business works.
  • Ajla Goldman Sachs 🥂
  • Rna65689660 DVR and watch all that are aired. Has been this way for 40 years.