"Lohan-Proof" Your German-Market Volvo For 850

Around the world, drunk driving is a deadly problem without an easy solution. After all, the link between driving under the influence and generally screwing up your life (and the lives of others) has been conclusively proven, and yet the problem continues. What to do? Volvo’s answer: buy a Volvo and spend €850 (plus up to €90 for installation) on “Alcoguard,” a dealer-installed optional breathalyzer ignition interlock. With this system in place, drivers must blow into an interlock, proving that they are beneath the legal blood-alcohol-content limit before the vehicle will start.

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  • Bd2 The coolest true SUV on the market. Change my mind.
  • VoGhost Fettle, racket, wade, throne -- what's going on with Matthew?
  • Mcw I have only seen one on the road in Northern California, but I have to say I liked the appearance. Too bad.
  • Bd2 I hope Elon eats one for dinner.
  • Wjtinfwb I really like these, but can't shake the voice in my head that says, "$9000 will just be the starting point. You'll have 20 grand in this baby inside of 18 months".