Pass the Chips: VW Group Demands More Semiconductors for Europe
Residual complications from COVID-19 lockdowns and overdependency on Central Asian suppliers have left most of the automotive industry fretting over where they’ll be sourcing their semiconductor chips in 2021. What started as an issue forcing a handful of manufacturers to rejigger their assembly schedules has evolved into a worldwide problem. This week, practically every automaker with a global footprint announced that it would be suspending production at key facilities to contend with the shortage or issued warnings that their Q1 earnings might be negatively impacted if supply failed to stabilize.On Thursday, Volkswagen Group decided this was unacceptable and demanded that something be done about it in Europe — which is the region that has arguably been hit the hardest.
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  • Wjtinfwb We too have a Subaru, a '16 Crosstrek. Aside from it's appetite for batteries (or crappy Subaru batteries), so far it's been a reliable ride, but from day one I've always thought it felt flimsy. I'm sure we'll get good service out of it and have no plans to replace it, but won't be surprised if it starts nickel and diming up as all those plastics and the electronics start to age.
  • Bd2 Excellent article, very nice car. Thank you Murilee.
  • Make_light I like Subarus, and I often think they don't get enough credit for how they drive. Lots of people say it's the faux-rugged image that accounts for their popularity, but they also drive with a solidity and plantedness that's absent from a lot of the Japanese competition. That being said, this thing is ugly. I never felt that Subarus were as ugly as commenters claim they are. Boring, sure, but not necessarily ugly. But between this and the refreshed Legacy, it's like they're trying to make their vehicles look as incohesive and awkward as possible.
  • SCE to AUX I think the 2.2 was a pretty durable engine.
  • Rochester We'll probably be trading in our 2018 Touring Edition Forester for the next model, and are waiting to see what the Hybrid is all about. Would be nice if they disclose whether or not it will be a plug-in Hybrid.