Swimming Upstream: VJ Day

It’s been another exhausting day and, after wasting precious time trying to write some sort of clever introduction, I’ve realized that there just isn’t any point in beating around the bush.

The windmill I set out to topple is thoroughly defeated and the Town and Country looks smart sitting in front of the house tonight wearing its new set of permanent Japanese plates.

I wish I could say it was a cake walk, that the Town and Country sailed through its Shaken without any difficulty, but, as usual, there were last minute problems.

Want to know more? Hit the jump for another episode of your favorite reality program: “Man Meets Bureaucracy.”

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  • Bd2 There's nothing wrong with admitting there is a problem yet that is but the first step. Hopefully GM can resurrect their vaunted hybrid technology and apply it to high value luxury vehicles and perhaps give the world a revival of that V Magic. They could even give Genesis a run for it's crosshatched grille money.
  • TMA1 Tell me the ICE version is going to weigh less. A 5,800 lb electric Charger just took the worst part of the old Charger and made it 30% heavier.
  • Danddd Just say no to CVTs unless you like the sound of droning.
  • Oberkanone GM will have 30 EV models by 2025. Over 40% of GM sales will be EV by 2025.quote - Marry Barra circa 2020Including 4 Chevy EV, 2 Buick EV, and 4 Cadillac EV.
  • Dwford There's plenty of time between now and 2030-35 to design and sell through a whole new generation of ICE vehicles, if not 2 generations. Chevy seems to be on a dual track plan with ICE and EV versions of the Equinox and Blazer nameplates. No reason Cadillac can't do something similar.