Japan's Captive Import History of Masquerading Marques

The Japanese market is notorious for being closed to the outside world. It has forced successful U.S. companies to abandon the country, as Ford did recently, and propped-up sales of niche producer Porsche to outstrip sales of corporate giant General Motors. At first glance, it would seem Japanese buyers just don’t want cars built by companies outside the Land of the Rising Sun.

On this side of the Pacific, imports are so popular that domestic manufacturers attempted to make them their own multiple times. We’ve had Opels called Pontiacs and Buicks, Mitsubishis masquerading as Dodges, Toyotas and Suzukis selling as Geos, and Isuzus branded as Chevrolets.

But has it ever gone the other way? Have Japanese brands ever tried to appropriate the automotive culture of other countries to move the metal?

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Crapwagon Outtake: The Answer *IS* Miata

I like the aesthetic properties of old British cars. The way they drive, leak fluids and operate on a sporadic basis is another matter.

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  • Bd2 If I were going to spend $ on a ticking time bomb, it wouldn't be for an LR4 (the least interesting of Land Rovers).
  • Spectator Wild to me the US sent like $100B overseas for other peoples wars while we clammer over .1% of that money being used to promote EVs in our country.
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