Preeminent Custom Car Builder Mike Alexander 1935-2014, R.I.P.

Mike Alexander, the surviving member of Detroit’s preeminent custom car builders, the Alexander Brothers, passed away in July at the age of 80. Mike and his brother Larry made some of the most famous and influential customs of the 1960s and because of a new toy called Hot Wheels and a Beach Boys song & album the “A Bros” ultimately affected American culture and how the world sees us. They were as important to the world of hot rods as Elvis, Little Richard and Chuck Berry were to rock and roll. I had the great privilege of interviewing Mike Alexander last year as part of a project I’m working on about the Dodge Deora show car, and then meet him in person at the 2013 Eyes On Design show, where I was in the right place at the right time to witness Ford GT designer Camilo Pardo hand Mike a blue ribbon for the Deora, which was on display as part of a group of Alexander Brothers’ cars at that show. Mechanical and fabricating geniuses, Mike and Larry were perhaps the most technically adept of all the builders during custom cars’ golden era.

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  • ChristianWimmer Exterior and interior look pretty flawless for such a high mileage car. To me this is an indication that it was well-maintained and driven responsibly. It’s not my cup of tea but it’s bound to find an enthusiastic owner out there.And with ANY car, always budget for maintenance.
  • Fred I'm a fan and watch every race. I've missed a few of the live races, but ESPN repeats them during more reasonable hours.
  • Mikesixes It has potential benefits, but it has potential risks, too. It has inevitable costs, both in the price of the car and in future maintenance. Cars with ABS and airbags have cost me at least 2000 bucks in repairs, and have never saved me from any accidents. I'd rather these features were optional, and let the insurance companies figure out whether they do any good or not, and adjust their rates accordingly.
  • Daniel Bridger Bidenomics working.
  • Michael Gallagher Some math! The cost to produce US Shale derived oil is between $35 to $55/bbl. Middle East oil cost about $15/bbl. If OPEC wanted, they could produce more , driving oil prices below our costs and decimating our domestic industry. We have whispered in their ear that they should endeavor to keep the price above our cost, in exchange for political, economic and security favors. Case in point, during COVID when gas dropped below $2/gal , producers were losing money, Trump had to approach the Saudis requesting them to cut production to raise the oil price above our cost. If the global oil industry was truly competitive, our industry would be out of business very quickly due to our much higher cost of production. Those that long for those covid prices need to realize it would be at the expense of our domestic industry.