Elon Musk Just Called A.I. the 'Greatest Risk We Face as a Civilization'

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk has been a longtime proponent of artificial intelligence, saying it has applications that far exceed his autonomous car projects. But he’s also issued numerous warnings, stating that it must be handled safely and responsibly. Now he’s heralding it as a humankind’s great destructor.

Speaking Saturday at the National Governors Association in Rhode Island, Musk told the crowd A.I. is a “fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.” Urging the gathering to implement effective governmental regulation to ensure public safety. “Right now the government doesn’t even have insight,” Musk said. “Once there is awareness people will be extremely afraid, as they should be.”

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With a Week to Go in Obama Administration, EPA Sets 2025 Fuel Economy Targets in Stone

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy has decided to maintain current emissions and fuel economy standards through 2025, cementing a central pillar of the Obama administration’s green legacy.

Many automakers have been critical of Obama’s rather strict climate policies and were hopeful that President-elect Donald Trump might roll back some of the more stringent regulations. Of the policies, none is more controversial than the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) mandate, which began a midterm review earlier this year.

While the EPA’s ultimate determination wasn’t due until April of 2018, choosing not to alter 2025 vehicle emission and CAFE rules effectively locks in the standard before Trump can take office.

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  • Parkave231 New Oldsmobiles are in early this year.
  • MaintenanceCosts "While there are absolutely exceptions, the days of the super-sleazy used car dealer seem to be behind us here in the States."Citation needed.
  • SCE to AUX Sounds like the written-off cars didn't even have enough life in them to survive the short warranties. The scheme would have lasted longer if the cars were sold as-is.Is "written off" similar to an "R" or "S" title in the US?
  • AZFelix Not enough charging stations. Long wait times. Do not recommend.
  • 2ACL I love the CV6 + stick pairing, even if it's not particularly quick (or efficient) by modern standards. It looks to have a solid foundation and would be nice to drive fully sorted, but Honda/Acuraphiles seem more interested in ressurecting second generation cars. I wanted a manual GS sedan for the longest time, though I'd have gladly taken a first generation manual coupe. Thankfully, we're spared of 'future collectable' pricing with this one.