Curbside Classic: GMC TDH-4523 Transit Bus

GM has built some great vehicles in its day, but nothing can top their buses. They literally owned the bus market from the forties through the seventies, but they earned that spot with superior technology and quality construction. One of the most brilliant and enduring examples of that is the “New Look” transit bus that came out in 1959, and revolutionized the field with advanced stress-skin aluminum construction and absolutely indestructible build quality. These buses are still on the road in transit duty fifty years after they first saw the light of day. A variation of this bus (the Classic) was still being produced by MCI until 1997. Given that this pictured bus was built about the same time as the 1978 Cadillac Eldorado in our last Curbside Classic, we have here a study in GM contrasts. Of course, even GM’s bus business eventually ended badly in its inimitable way.

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The Best Of TTAC: Auto-Biography Part 7 – Bus We Must

It was the mother of all drifts. Forty feet behind me, the back of the passenger bus was coming around fast, threatening to wipe out a block’s worth of cars parked across the street. By the time I caught the first slide, I had overcompensated. My arms were a whirling dervish on the giant steering wheel, flying back and forth, until the bus straightened out. No need to stop for coffee THAT day; I was wide awake on a triple-shot of adrenalin.

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  • Parkave231 New Oldsmobiles are in early this year.
  • MaintenanceCosts "While there are absolutely exceptions, the days of the super-sleazy used car dealer seem to be behind us here in the States."Citation needed.
  • SCE to AUX Sounds like the written-off cars didn't even have enough life in them to survive the short warranties. The scheme would have lasted longer if the cars were sold as-is.Is "written off" similar to an "R" or "S" title in the US?
  • AZFelix Not enough charging stations. Long wait times. Do not recommend.
  • 2ACL I love the CV6 + stick pairing, even if it's not particularly quick (or efficient) by modern standards. It looks to have a solid foundation and would be nice to drive fully sorted, but Honda/Acuraphiles seem more interested in ressurecting second generation cars. I wanted a manual GS sedan for the longest time, though I'd have gladly taken a first generation manual coupe. Thankfully, we're spared of 'future collectable' pricing with this one.