Junkyard Find: 1952 Mercury Custom Sedan

Ordinary family sedans of the 1940s and 1950s look cool and everyone claims to love them, but the sad reality is that hardly anyone with the time, money, space, and skills to restore an old Detroit car bothers with the postwar four-doors. I see 1946-1959 American sedans, mostly in pretty solid condition, with depressing regularity in the big self-service wrecking yards I frequent, and this ’52 Mercury in Denver is the latest one.

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The Other Chrysler Hemi: Simca Esplanada!

I love stories of American cars that take a weird journey to production in South America, preferably with a dash of European influence added during the journey’s many twists and turns. The Argentinean Renault Torino, a Rambler American with Jeep Tornado engine and Pininfarina rebody is a great example, as is the Willys Itamaraty, a limo-ized Willys Aero sold in Brazil by Ford. The list goes on, but perhaps the greatest, most convoluted tale of them all is that of the Simca Esplanada. How about a late-60s Chrysler product, based on a Dearborn-designed French Ford, with an Ardun-ized hemi Ford Flathead V8 under the hood?

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  • SCE to AUX Fisker filed for reorganization in Austria - the end is near.https://insideevs.com/news/718875/fisker-reorganization-austria/
  • MaintenanceCosts More or less an admission that the radar-only cars will never do anything that could reasonably be marketed as "Full Self-Driving."
  • Bd2 The coolest true SUV on the market. Change my mind.
  • VoGhost Fettle, racket, wade, throne -- what's going on with Matthew?
  • Mcw I have only seen one on the road in Northern California, but I have to say I liked the appearance. Too bad.